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Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free...? PART 1
Yes, true...why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? I mean, why spend money when you can get freebies, right?
Ever since I returned here, I am pretty amazed at how the "dating" has evolved in this country. Online dating became more popular now, and now there seemed to be this "web cam" shows where men and women show themselves on cam scantily clad or naked, and will do a "show" on a video cam. Some women do it for free, or asked for a fee, i heard. And I was told, too, that, it has become a sort of a profession here especially for university students. In fact, I had been told that police have raided such places where this web cam shows are being held.
Uhmm...either I had been away for too long, or that I was totally in a different world there that I was never kept abreast of this so-called "web cam" thingy. It's just that over there, even if we do online "dating," as far as i was concerned, I met dates on initial contact through online, then we meet up, and that's it. We never chat endlessly, look at each other through a web cam,or do some bloody shows! It had always been a face-to-face encounter.
However, coming back to Manila, and not knowing anyone anymore, feeling sometimes alone and lonely and not knowing anyone anymore, I resorted to "meeting" people online - to meet "nice and decent" men, being the primary reason really. Of course, needless to say, it was a bloody disaster!
After exchanging email addresses with those I thought were decent enough to start a friendship, and hopefully, more, and accepted an online chat, these bloody bastards asked me for a fucking (excuse the French) "web cam show!" I was such a daft then because that was unknown to me. he asked me to show my breasts, and other private parts on the web cam.
I was flabbergasted, to say the least! What the hell was that? Until I met this woman online, we chatted, and she explained the whole thing to me. Then, and only then I understood what a web cam show is...disgusting, weird...these were the men in Europe or American who are lonely, have nothing productive to do with their time, perverts who prey on naive and stupid women, especially young women. However, I had been told that when a woman wants to be paid for such a show, the man disagrees, gets annoyed, and moves on to the next victim...
Yes, men, men...they want it for free. Why pay for a sexy or erotic show when they can get it for free via the web cam? After all, why travel miles to a girlie bar, spend on drinks, or entrance fees, and a show, when you can have it in the comfort of your homes, right? Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free...?
Or, another such example...I have spoken to one Filipino bloke from Adult xoxoxoxo who was asking me out. I asked him what he was looking for: he said "uncomplicated" fun. Of course, being here for some months, I understood that as a "free" shag with a beautiful, sexy, intelligent, educated, sophisticated woman. In short, no-strings fun ONLY. However, he bemoaned the fact that he has met mostly women who are looking for a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, or that she be given some money for whatever reason. In other words, he cannot find a woman he fancies because no one wanted a "free" shag - just a "free" shag. And nothing more.
Is there a woman that you can meet, bring her to your place, or a motel (only in the Philippines, my dear) and just shag her? Just like that? I told him you may as well go to a club, pick up someone who is a bit tipsy or drunk, a woman who is also looking for the same thing: a shag only. But I was told, in this adult website for finding online dates around the world, local women are not really looking for that - just adult "fun" really. The reality here, at least, in the Philippine context, is that women here use that site either to find a partner/husband for economic reason, or a paid sex with foreign blokes - no more, no less. And if a woman is willing to go to bed with a man, then be prepared to cover her expenses to meet you, a dinner, or her shopping. Of course, some blokes don't agree, especially if you're a Filipino. Because blokes, again, especially the Filipinos who are on this site (not all Filipino men because there are those that are really sweet, decent and generous, and, sorry to say, they are not on this site), will not shell out money.
So, we go back to this cliche, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free...?
Going back to that Filipino bloke I spoke on the phone (and yes, he was the first I spoke with since i joined this site two weeks ago, and considering what i wrote in my profile, I remember distinctly saying, among other things, that "I would like to be wined and dined, and be treated with respect..." blah, blah...), I told him that I do not see anything wrong when a woman asked you for money because you also ask for sex!
I mean why is it that when women ask for money for whatever reason she wants/needs it, men just get so mad and annoyed, yeah. He will say, listen babe, I don't even know you yet! And so, if that is the case, when a man asked for a sex after an hour of meeting each other, a woman also has the right to say, well, fuck off, babe, because I don't even know you yet! But you see, a man sometimes "demands" for sex even amongst those in tight, serious or married relationships. Yet, a wife/girlfriend "demands" money, the husband/boyfriend calls her a "goldigger." Uhmmm...
Sex and money are both powerful. A woman can use sex as her means for power, and a man can use money in the same reason. However, sad to say,the Asian women, generally speaking, as compared to the women in the Western world, are not as assertive as their Western counterparts who are more "independent and strong-willed." Unless Asian women have traveled the world, or have lived or studied in the US or Europe, they will always be bounded by our tradition of "being second to the men." Don't you ever wonder why Western men adore us Asian women? because we are "domesticated, sweet, loving, "loyal", "faithful" romantic,sacrificial," and so on.
Images taken from the following sites: